Dear people of God,
I welcome you to the Holy Family parish website. With you, I share the “universal call to holiness.” Through His passion, death and resurrection, Jesus obtained for us our salvation; but we still need to cooperate to attain it fully. For “he who created us without our cooperation, will not save us without our cooperation.” We need to work together on our pilgrimage as we journey back to our homeland, heaven.
Let the words from the Acts of the Apostles [17:26], “In Him we live and move and have our being,” be our driving force every day to keep us motivated, that whatever we do is done in and with Jesus. May we always look at the HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, as an example to imitate.
Very Rev. Celestine Byekwaso
Holy Family Parish Office
2715 Taylor Street | Marinette, WI 54143
Office Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 1:30pm
Phone: (715) 735-9100 | Fax: (715) 735-9650
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
2737 Taylor Street
St. Joseph’s Church
1225 Carney Blvd.
Tuesday, February 18
5:30pm (OLOL) †Margo (Hamilton) Bissen
Wednesday, February 19
8:30am (OLOL) †Rick Bolano
3:00pm (LH) †Staff and Residents of the Luther HomeThursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
8:30am (SJ) †Mary McCarrier
Saturday, February 22
4:00pm (V-OLOL) †Loren and Cheryl Rose
Sunday, February 23
8:00am (SJ) †Matt and Kim Duffrin
10:00am (OLOL) †Living and Deceased Members of HFP